Happy 2020 guys! We made it through 2019 😊
I usually do a recap blog post but, honestly, I've been the laziest creature on planet earth since traveling for the holidays. This blog post is an attempt to get my shiz back on track. To force my brain to start thinking and to hopefully get my content creation back in motion.
Hopefully, you've recovered from all the holiday traveling, eating, lack of working out, family, etc. It's a freaking marathon when the holidays come. Eating becomes an olympic sport... you end up with a million extra pairs of socks you didn't know you needed, and your future in-laws let you know over and over that they're not getting any younger and they want to see your wedding day. (sigh)
That being said, I still love the holidays. Seeing the people I love and eating lots of carbs. What a blessing. (lol) Oddly enough, my skin didn't even break out from traveling to the east coast and eating hella gluten. (go me!) East coast skin was actually pretty calm!
So, even though I didn't do a 2019 roundup... hopefully you followed along on my stories a bit and were able to see what I was up to this year! Hoping for an even more eventful 2020.
On to favorites. I have been meaning to share some of my favorite products as of late. I post on my story sporadically as I find things I love, but have been wanting to put them all in one place.
Shall we get started?

You've probably heard everyone and their mother mention Curology at one point or another. If not, Curology is a customized skincare service that is prescribed online by dermatologists specifically for your skin. You send them photos of your skin and tell them what your problems are. The dermatologists formulate a cream for you that comes to your door (along with a face wash and moisturizer) every 2 months. It's cleared my skin SO much and I am so relieved to see my skin clear and healthy. I struggled with hormonal acne, clogged/congested pores (partially from oils and too many products), and oily skin. This skincare regimen has done WONDERS for clearing up my congestion and helping new acne from forming. Highly recommend them!! Plus, your first month is free! Just pay shipping ($5). You can try out the products and see how you like them!
My new lifeblood. I am literally obsessed with these things. I'm stocked up on these at all times. When Curology told me to stop picking at my face, touching my face, and squeezing things (no duh), I knew I had to stop and give my skin a shot at healing. I got these and they've changed my life completely. I where these out! Yes, in public!! To the gym, under makeup, and of course sleeping. They stay on SO well and can barely tell they're even on your face!! I'll put it on to hide the redness of a pimple and protect it from bacteria and then put makeup on... it makes you look like you have PERFECT skin even though you're struggling with some pimples. The best part is, they make your pimples shrink! Like, crazy shrink. I. am. obsessed. They sell them at Target, on Amazon, on Alba's website. I put the Amazon link above!
I may be behind on this because this was a suuuuper popular foundation like 2 years ago when it came out. I don't normally wear foundation, but when I do, I want it to feel soft and light weight and also make me tan. This is a great finish! It doesn't look like I'm wearing makeup and it doesn't make my skin chalky or too matte. Sometimes matte foundations are very powdery looking. I like that this is super smooth and airbrushed looking. It has coconut water in it to keep hydrated too.
Game. Changer. If you have oily skin and are looking for a good primer, look no further. I put this on under my foundation and sometimes even alone or under bronzer. I mostly just put it on my forehead where my shine tends to seep through. It has helped so much! No more shiny forehead.
If you suffer from breakouts after sweating OR just need to cleanse after going to the gym because you can't shower right away, then these are for you! I love these wipes! I keep them in my car for after the gym. I love to grab a coffee with the boyfriend after working out sometimes and he seems to be 100% unaffected by not showering immediately after the gym. Whereas I breakout within 15 minutes of leaving... the joys of being a woman. These wipes have helped. They're also sold at CVS.
Fave #6: Newport Beach Juicer
Not a cosmetic or skincare product but I've been using this daily and I feel like my skin has actually loved it too. This juicer is my new fave kitchen appliance! I love fresh juices every morning. This juicer is on sale for $50! It's fairly small, so it's good for a small kitchen like mine. it's easy to take apart and put back together and pretty easy to clean. If you want to try juicing, go to Target and get this one.
Some tips: kale makes little to no juice (like an unbelievably little amount), carrots and celery make lots of juice as well as apples and oranges, no need to peel things when you put them in (except maybe oranges or things with thick skin), store juices in mason jars in your fridge and try to drink within 24ish hours.
Remember when I used to rave about the Clinique balm? This tops it. It has clean ingredients, smells lovely and doesn't make your eyes all cloudy. Love the feeling of a balm taking off your makeup at the end of the day.
Bloggers have been raving about this product. It's been amazing through the winter! Put it on your lips before bed and wake up with plump and hydrated lips! Excellent gift too!
Let me know if you've tried any of these! Would love to hear your opinions!